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CMN Provides Mobile Outreach Assistance for Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Stanislaus County and the City of Modesto in partnership with Stanislaus Regional Housing Authority and local credit unions are collaborating together to provide financial support to those impacted by the pandemic.

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program was designed to provide back rent and utility assistance for people below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) with priority given to people within 50% of AMI or those who have been unemployed for 90 days.

Two members of City Ministry Networks Latino Leadership Initiative (LLI) have join the efforts providing mobile outreach support to those most vulnerable within our community. CMN hopes serving on the mobile outreach team is step in the right direction, striving toward its mission of strengthening our community by increasing the number of Latino Leaders that serve our communities through civic leadership.

The primary goal of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program is to keep families in their homes. In addition to partnering with local credit unions, we have mobilized our Outreach Team in order to reach families not easily served by our partner credit unions. We set up meeting places in churches and community venues in remote areas to answer questions, help complete applications and assist in submitting the required documents.

Gabriela one of our mobile outreach members shared the following:

“So far my experience in this position has taught me that my service can go beyond making ends meet for the people I am serving. In one situation, a woman shared the amount of discrimination that she had experienced due to her legal status. She was grateful that our program could serve her and appreciated the space I provided at the same time. She left with the impression that even if she didn't qualify, the experience she had with me made her feel heard and that she matters. That is what it means for me to serve my community.”

Nico another member of our mobile outreach team shared the following:

“I decided to be a part of this program because I love my community and know the struggles many individuals are facing due to COVID-19. It is my passion to help those in need and providing them with resources that are there to assist. When I first heard about the program, I instantly wanted to be a part of it, I knew how hard things were getting out there for some people and this program was one of the first to be established in our area. Being out in the field and hearing all of the personal stories and hardships of many individuals can be eye opening. The best part is being able to respond to those stories with a solution, taking their struggles and not only showing the solution but also helping step by step on getting to it.”

City Ministry Network is proud to be able to come along side numerous partners within our community such as Stanislaus County and the City of Modesto. As core strategies of CMN include to Advocate – acting intentionally and to thoughtfully engage key sectors around issues of inequality. Also to Connect/Partner and Develop support for leaders within our community.

For information Emergency Rental Assistance program or to apply, please visit: or call 1-877-211-7826 or call 2-1-1 and ask about the Stanislaus County Emergency Rental Assistance Program.

To learn more about City Ministry Network visit:

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